Tuesday, December 29, 2009

installing apache, php, mysql manually in Linux

If we want to start working with PHP or Joomla we'll need to install and configure php, apache, mysql to create an enviornment to start our journey. Xampp is there to ease the whole process. Installing xampp will automatically setup everything.

Today, I am going to describe the manual setup process for those who don't want to install xampp and want to setup everything manually.

Usually, apache, php, mysql all three are given with linux distribution. So I am assuming that these three are already installed in your system. Still you cannot run a php script?? The reason is you need to do a little more task to get going:

1)Install php-mysql by yum install php-mysql

2)install phpmyadmin by yum install phpmyadmin
If this automatically copies the phpmyadmin folder in /var/www/html folder then you are done.
If you dont see this folder in the place then from phpmyadmin source code take the phpmyadmin folder and copy it in /var/www/html folder.

now your preparation is done.

3)Start Apache by command: /etc/init.d/httpd start

4)Start Mysql by command: /etc/init.d/mysql start

5)Put a test.html file in /var/www/html folder.

6)To see the file in browser,open a browser. In the address bar type : http://localhost/test.html

Thats it. Enjoy your journey with apache,php, mysql

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Basics of Python List

Python List is a very useful feature. This is particularly useful for me because
  • I can keep different data types within the same list
  • Looping is very easy
  • List class has more or less all the necessary built-in functions. I know many of you might differ. Its just my personal view.

The working process of List is a bit different. Lists are actually manipulated using pointers. So we need to be careful when using Lists. Here are some interesting features of List.

Copying a List:
We might do this:

>>> lista = listb

This does not copy the listb items in lista. What happens actually is an exchange of pointers. lista now points to listb. If we change listb, list a is changed automatically. An example is:

>>> listb = [1,2,3,4,5]
>>> lista = []
>>> lista = listb
>>> lista
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
>>> listb.append(6)
>>> lista
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

So how can we have a new copy of list item. I do it in two ways.

Way 1: There is an overloaded operator [:] which creates a new copy.

lista = listb[:]

Now listb and lista are two different lists.

Way 2:

There is a python library named copy

>>> from copy import copy
>>> listc = copy(lista)
>>> listc
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

So we can have a new copy using these two ways. I'll be glad to know if someone informs me of some other useful rather easy ways of copying lists.

Dillema in Loops!!!

Sometimes it can be a dillema when we alter a list within iteration. Like the following code:

>>> lista
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
>>> for each in lista:
... lista.remove(each)
... print lista
[2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
[2, 4, 5, 6]
[2, 4, 6]


As I said before, list operations use pointers in most cases. For an iteration through a list, the pointer just starts moving from the first element, then moves to the second element, then third in this way. In the above code we are removing an element from the list in each iteration and the list size is shortening. So the loop only iterates thrice as the pointer moves to the fourth element after third iteration but the list now holds only three elements.

Well, I discovered it much later from the time I started working with python.

If the above two topics help you in any way then my effort will be successful. Please inform me if you have any question regarding this post.

Have a nice day... :))

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Setting up GP internet connection via bluetooth in Fedora Core 10

I am going to describe below how I managed to setup/configure Grameen phone wireless internet connection in Linux Fedora Core 10 using bluetooth modem.

1)Got the mac id by writing this command in terminal
hcitool scan

2)got the channel num from terminal by typing
sdptool search DUN

mine was channel 1

3)then I edited /etc/bluetooth/rfcomm.conf in this way

rfcomm0 {
bind yes;
device 00:21:08:75:6C:CD;
channel 1;
comment "Bluetooth PPP Connection";

device and channel are the values I found in step 1 & 2

Thats the end of configuration.

Now I need to dial. I dialed using a dialer . There are other ways as well.

First I created the dialer

4) I went to system->administration->network

went to hardware tab, chose new,

then modem device: /dev/rfcomm0
baud rate: 460800

that created the modem.

5) then I chose edit
chose the following tab and did this:
provider ->phone number: *99***1#
advanced->modem initialization string :\rAT OK 'AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","gpinternet"' OK ATD*99***1# CONNECT"

Now the dialer should be ready.

Then I went to terminal and wrote:

6)rfcomm connect 00:21:08:75:6C:CD

it gave me msg : rfcomm connect 00:21:08:75:6C:CD

7)from system->administration->network i chose the newly created modem. and chose activate.

It connected me to the internet.

hope this helps you. I might have missed something. But this should work. There might be easier ways. But this is how I could connect after trying several ways.

Have fun :))