Friday, February 18, 2011

Finding HTML controls from ASP.NET

Here is the article that says ins and outs of this issue.

** I believe when there are so many quality tutorials over the web, I do not really need to write one of my own unless the topic is something unique**

Friday, February 11, 2011

ASP.NET: Check a file for its MIME type.

If you want to check a file file for its MIME type, this is the link that tells you how to do it. I used this link when I checked MIME type of a file with ASP.NET file uploader tool.

** I believe when there are so many quality tutorials over the web, I do not really need to write one of my own unless the topic is something unique**

Thursday, February 10, 2011

ASP.NET : How to use customvalidator with a file upload tool for client side validation

We really do not want to validate in the server side because it makes the server busy.
So a good approach is to validate in the client side using javascript. Here is a good tutorial that does it:

** I believe when there are so many quality tutorials over the web, I do not really need to write one of my own unless the topic is something unique**

Javascript: split method can be used to split based on string or regular expression.

If you want to split a string based on another string, this how you do it:
str.split(" ");

If you want to split a string based on a reges, this how you do it:

\s is a reges which is used for any space character like space,\n,\t or \r.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

MySQL: How to search a value in the whole table.

If you want to search a value in the whole table:

1) You have to enable full text indexing on the columns.
2) Column types have to text/char/varchar.
3) Search by the MATCH() AGAINST() functions.
4) You cannot match text having length less than 4. There is a work around to it. I'll write about that later.

Details can be found here: